Sunday, September 26, 2004

be back later

I'm going offline for awhile... family stuff to take care of... I will be back...


Thursday, September 23, 2004

foot things necklace and bracelet pattern

this is what I did this morning... a FAR cry from digging potatoes huh?? lol... ok maybe I'll do that after I post this.... and after Dr. Phil... he has a new family he has to fix you know!!

here you go:

foot things ( make 2 )

string 24 beads onto sz #10 thread I used a 1.75mm hook

*bead, ch1, 4slst, ch9, * repeat 11 times ( you should have 12 beads hanging, from the back of your ankle to just about to your second toe)

ch25 ( or however many you need to get around your second toe)

sc in same st as last slst, ch4, bead, ch1, 4 slst, sc in next ch, sc in next 5 chs ( untill you get to the next slst in ch), ch4, bead, 4slst, hdc in next ch, hdc in next 5 chs ( untill you get to the next slst in ch), ch4, bead, 4 slst, dc in nect ch, 5 dc ( until you come to the next sc)

ch4,* bead,ch1, 4 slst, ch9* repeat 8 times


fasten off... I cut the thread somewhat close to the knot and added a bit of clear nail polish so it wouldn't come undone.

thread about 30 beads

attach little snap to thread, ch4, *bead, ch1, 4slst, ch9* repeat untill it fits around your neck comfortably, ending with ch4, fasten off leaving enough thread to attach other part of snap, tuck in ends, and add clear nail polish to knots.

thread about 14 beads

same as choker but smaller... ;~)

ok so just wondering... does anyone ever make anything from my patterns?? do they work out for you?? or are they just a mess to figure out??


yep, that a good

later gators

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

afghan update

ripple granny2
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
been working on this again lately... took while off...
just needed to do something else..... I think it's about 1/3 done??
not to sure yet tho...
but I like how it's turning out!!
so if dad doesn't like it...
I'll sure take it;~)


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Pink M&M's!!

PINK M & Ms!
These special bags of M & Ms will be on sale in September, October and November, 2004. (the bags are clearly marked.)
Everyone would appreciate if you would send this to everyone you know and get the word out - we can beat this thing.
There are many women who have Breast cancer.
Let's do all we can to support this cause.
New Pink & White M&M's.
The makers of M&M candies have teamed up with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds through the sale of their new "pink & white" M&M candies.
For each 8-ounce bag of the special candies sold, the makers of M&M(Masterfoods) will donate 50 cents to the foundation.
If you pass this around you will get no money, just the satisfaction of trying to save a life.
Please, pass this to every female and every male you know!
The next time you want a treat, please pick up a bag (now sold in stores nationwide) - you will be donating to a great cause and satisfying your sweet tooth.
Please pass on to all your family and friends for who knows- the life you save one day may be your own, or that of family or friend.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

been awhile huh??

well... what have I been up to?? besides working, crocheting, knitting, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, helping the kids with homework... not to much... lol....yup... keeping pretty busy!!
I have the day off today, so I'm planning to catch up on some crocheting... I owe alot of ppl bday squares from my msn group ;~S I hope they're not mad at me... I think I'm a couple months behind?!?! bad me

Albert ( hubby) went hunting the other day with his brother... they got one elk and are going to split the meat... good thing too... I don't think we have enough room for about 800 lbs of meat!?!? yep... they're BIG animals!! Albert is still hunting tho... it's just not right if you can't get one of your own... men?!?! what can you do with them?? yeah I don't know either??

It's been pretty sad around the community lately.... the same day my grandma dies, mom's neighbour died of a heart attach, then a couple days later a guy ( 19) from the town nearest us rolled his truck and died a couple days later... and then a friend (22)of his was visiting his family and on the way home, blew a tire, rolled his truck and also died... the sad thing is I knew all of them... and especially right after g'ma died it all hit pretty hard.

well better go do something productive today

Sunday, September 12, 2004

hot off the hook!!

sock yarn gloves done
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
just finished my sock yarn gloves... and I really like them...
and you know what else??


yup, shocked me too!! lol

I will post the pattern for them... sometime soon

just had to post the pic asap


Friday, September 10, 2004

In the WORKS!!

sock yarn glove1
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
on the way home yesterday I started on the pattern for the sock yarn gloves!! woo hoo... I worked until it got dark and after I frogged it twice I think I have it.... Just have to finish the fingers and thumb and thats it!!
I can't believe it's working out how I pictured it in my head??!!??
usually doesn't happen like that.. lol..

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
ok I finished the sock last night but was to dark to take a decent pic..... and to spite the fact I hate doing BLO, I really like how the sock turns out!!
Next pair tho I'll have to add a few more rows before I do the chain to start on the foot part.. it seems just a bit to short for my likings in that department, but YEP, I like 'em!! and thats the best part!

Now I just have to get to wally to pick up some more funky sock yarn...

I'll have the best and coolest in town.. lol...

you know if I just go to buy socks in the store.. I ALWAYS get the big bag of plain ole white socks... but with making my own... the funkier the better?? go figure ;~S

I'll make the other sock prob sometime today... can't just wear just one??
and the pattern for these gave me an idea for mittens (or gloves) with sock yarn... how cool would those be... matching socks and gloves??


Ooooo maybe a matching hat and scarf... leg warmers...

Oh the possibilities!!


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

sock yarn

sock yarn
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
I cracked open the sock yarn I bought the last shopping trip....not to sure if I like it or not... I prefer the thinker yarn, but will say for sure when I'm done these... also just for notes sake I'm using the "in your shoes" pattern by Pam. I was never a fan of using "BLO"... so I'm toughing this out... have about 6" of the ribbing done...
I hope they work out for me... well gotta get back at it... I'll show you the sock later... I'll keep at it till I get one done

note for Santa... I NEED a new digi cam... the color on this one sucks... the purple yarn looks blue.... I'll have to leave something special under the tree for you this yr!!

later gators

tacky or funky?? thats the question!!

Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
ok I wanted to make something different from what I uaually make,
so I grabed some 4 ply, some 1/8" ribbon and fun fur yarn,
and came up with this,
was planning on making it just as a beanie,
but it needed something else.



it's big enough to fit my head,
but I'd pretty sure if my daughter likes it,
it'll be on her head this winter.
I don't think I'd wear it anyway... definatly not my style.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Crochet Sister

"Crochet Sister"
She holds her hook just like me,
yarn passing through her hands.
She is very close to methough perhaps in a distant land.
Yarn over, insert hook,is she using blue or red?I
s her pattern in a book,or a memory in her head?
Does she spin her own woolfrom sheep she grazes on the hills?
Does she create for pleasure,or crochet to pay the bills?
I don't know, we've never met,
perhaps we will some day;
and I'm sure I'll recognize her..
my "sister in crochet".
this isn't by me, I seen it on the net ;~)

socks socks socks

socks socks socks
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
I'm loving making socks!!
the blue ones are for my aunt, out of some caron yarn I picked up at a garage sale, a huge bag of mostly unused yarn for only $10!! can't pass that up thats for sure.
the yellow and orange ones are for moi.
I'm making them with bernats satin yarn... it's so nice to work with, so soft and well satiny.. lol...
I have more of the bernat stuff too, some varigated and a blue to match... yup for making socks ;~)
I also bought some sock yarn too, have yet to get that going... soon tho, I'd like to see how it works up.
better get hooking again, can't have just 1/2 a pair....
till next time

Sunday, September 05, 2004

fancy ass label

fancy ass label
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
thought this was to funny I just had to share this too!

jean purse open

jean purse open
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
even made a liner for it too... they look MUCH better with one.. makes it look finished, added velcro too...this way all my crap won't fall out... lol...
now the girls want one... so I told them to go thru they're closets....I might have to set up a shop lol...

till next time....

jean purse closed

jean purse closed
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
title is pretty self explanitory ;~)


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

fancy ass label

fancy ass label
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
made a jean purse too.... found the jean in my daughters dresser the other day and thought they would be so cute!!
they're a FANCY ASS brand.... kinda funny but what a brand label for a girls jean. :S

keeping myself busy....Kate will be SO proud!!

sideways gloves knit
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
well I had to keep myself busy today, so what a better way to do it than learn to knit gloves.... it's a easy pattern tho so that helps ALOT!! just cast on knit some rows bind off, cast on again and knit some more!! see easy peasy.... I actually like the pattern and want to make myself a black pair and just make the wrist part shorter... the pattern is pretty long... coming half way up my arm. I also made myself a knit dishcloth the other day too, learnt to increase and decrease that day... I just might become a knitter?? Hhmmmm, ok maybe a part time on the side knitter... I'd much rather crochet!!

sad news today.....

My gramma just died about 1 hr ago.
She would of been 85 on her next birthday.
We knew she wasn't doing so good, she had cancer and it was in all her organs, she's been in a home for about a yr now, she never complained about it at all..
But I guess she didn't really know she was there either.
We're not to sure when the funeral is, dad is going there tomorrow or today to help my uncle to plan stuff, I'm thinking maybe thursday or friday??

Thursday, September 02, 2004

frog couple

frog couple
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
here's the pic of the little frogs I made earlier

a long quiet day

well it's my day off...
and the kids are in school and the hubby walking the line
... it's so quite here....
was on the phone all morning and hooking of course...
made a cute little frog couple thats now on eBay..
other than that I've been working on the rippy granny afghan...
and it's coming along quite well...
it's about double the size than the pic I posted awhile back...
I must work on the Marie Doll Pattern I got a couple weeks ago too...
I was hoping to make it for Naiomi for x-mas....
tis the season when the sears wish book comes out!! lol...
Hey Kate... we have to catch up some time soon....
I read your blog but have had computer then mouse problems and wasn't online much....
all I had to use to move around online was the keyboard...
and that was no joy...
so found my old mouse which works just fine and now I don't know why I bought a old one in the first place?!!?
later gator