Monday, September 06, 2004

socks socks socks

socks socks socks
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
I'm loving making socks!!
the blue ones are for my aunt, out of some caron yarn I picked up at a garage sale, a huge bag of mostly unused yarn for only $10!! can't pass that up thats for sure.
the yellow and orange ones are for moi.
I'm making them with bernats satin yarn... it's so nice to work with, so soft and well satiny.. lol...
I have more of the bernat stuff too, some varigated and a blue to match... yup for making socks ;~)
I also bought some sock yarn too, have yet to get that going... soon tho, I'd like to see how it works up.
better get hooking again, can't have just 1/2 a pair....
till next time


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