Thursday, December 09, 2004

I knit something round!!!

moms hat scarf
Originally uploaded by DandyLion1974.
ok so I've knit eyelash scarves before...
but a hat...
and to top things off I couldn't find a pattern for the needle size I had?!?!?! yikes..
so whats a girl to do...
I took 2 patterns and combined them and crossed my fingers that it actually would work out...

( note to self, uncross fingers before starting to knit... much easier to knit that way)

I finished it this moring!!
OMG... it actually fits,
it's NOT funny shaped...
there's no holes in it in odd places,
and I didn't lose any stitches!!

I just might be a knitter yet..
My goal is a sweater... ok someday... but certainly not tomorrow.. lol


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