well I'm back...
sort of..
. I'll just be posting very little... I still have loads of family things to work out, but just wanted to let you know that things are ok..... we're both seeing counslers to help us out... been doing a bit of crocheting... just more or less working on things that need finishing... like that afghan for dad... I have my fingers crossed still that it'll be done for X-mas!! :~S
also been knitting baby booties and hats... and am also thinking of going into a craft show the end of Nov.... so I need to make some more tings for that for sure... maybe I'll get my bestest friend to join me?!?! hope she'll come... she's a crocheter too!!
well catchya later
I'm glad to hear things are a little better. Crocheting and knitting will help with your stress, and keep your mind occupied. Hope things continue to improve!
Hey, Vicki! I'm glad you're heading in the direction of feeling better. Keep knitting and crocheting; it's good to keep the hands and mind busy. You're in my thoughts!
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