Wednesday, October 06, 2004


well I'm back...
sort of..
. I'll just be posting very little... I still have loads of family things to work out, but just wanted to let you know that things are ok..... we're both seeing counslers to help us out... been doing a bit of crocheting... just more or less working on things that need finishing... like that afghan for dad... I have my fingers crossed still that it'll be done for X-mas!! :~S
also been knitting baby booties and hats... and am also thinking of going into a craft show the end of Nov.... so I need to make some more tings for that for sure... maybe I'll get my bestest friend to join me?!?! hope she'll come... she's a crocheter too!!
well catchya later


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear things are a little better. Crocheting and knitting will help with your stress, and keep your mind occupied. Hope things continue to improve!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Donna Hulka said...

Hey, Vicki! I'm glad you're heading in the direction of feeling better. Keep knitting and crocheting; it's good to keep the hands and mind busy. You're in my thoughts!

8:50 PM  

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